Backgrounds Backgrounds are the things at the bottom of the website, like wallpaper on walls. And like walls you can either wallpaper your website's background or paint it. I don't literally mean paint it, what I mean is you can do it all in one continuous block of colour. The way you do this is by using HEX codes. These are six digit things that tell your browser (IE or Netscape) what colour to use. There are thousands of different colour combinations, and you can't guess at them, so you'll need a chart. Web monkey's colour guide is a good one. "Wallpaper it" Wallpaper is a GIF or JPEG repeated across the background of your site. Like real life wallpaper, it can be textured but, on the other hand, it can be an image. How to get them: To get a "painted" background use this code: <body bgcolor="######"> Replacing the #'s with your preferred HEX code. It goes in the body section as shown. To get a "wallpaper" background use this code: <body background="image.gif"> Replacing the image.gif with the image of your choice. Make sure the image is in the same directory as the rest of your web pages. It goes I the body section as shown. Where to get them: Netscape's Background Sampler. This is a good source of backgrounds but it takes a while to load. It has most of the hundreds of HEX codes listed. Cool Archive HOT A brilliant Archive not only full of hundreds of backgrounds but also Clipart and Sounds Another good Archive full of Backgrounds